Incarnate Community Bible Study
Taking it live! Incarnate Community Bible Study Discussions
Imagine the power of prayer and sense of community possible
if all LCMS Northern Illinois District congregations
participate in the same Bible study!
That’s a potential of more than 200 churches
and as many as 67,652 communicate members.
The LCMS Northern Illinois District is providing a Bible study based on that community with materials now available for exploration.
Having all congregations of our District participating in the same study reminds us that we, in our various congregations and ministries, are a part of a greater group of Jesus’ followers known as the Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. If we’re all diving into God’s Word through the same materials, it affords us the opportunity to promote dialogue church-to-church, both in person and through social media.
Our world changed with the pandemic, and we learned to adapt to a world where we lived physically distant. This study is designed to now invite people to return to an ‘in person’ community of faith by exploring the God-given blessings that come as the followers of Jesus gather around His Word and Sacraments.
The study is available as a free downloadable resource. It’s designed to be a four-week, or four-session study. While the study materials are designed for groups, they can also be used as a self-study resource.
It is our hope that through this study we will grow appreciation for the gathering of fellow believers around Jesus’ Means of Grace, be equipped to better understand how we bear Christ’s image in His world, and see the wonderful blessing our Lord works through us in local faith community.