Session 2: Holy Baptism: The Beginning of the Journey Together
Scriptural Theme
“And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him” (Acts 8:31 ESV).
When Christ instructed the eleven to go out into the world to make disciples, He did so, giving them two things to do: baptize and teach. From that moment on, those two actions would forever be linked together. Our baptismal liturgy reinforces this as pastors charge sponsors to “support them in their ongoing instruction and nurture in the Christian faith.”
Baptism and teaching are the things that make a disciple; that is, they are the things that make a Christian. The rhythm our life takes us on is one that continually drives us back to remember that we have been indelibly tattooed with the Holy Name, that we repent of where we have done wrong, and we turn our eyes and our feet to follow Jesus.
But Christ does not stop merely at baptizing and teaching. Rather, He gives us the answer to “who” we are to baptize and teach. This shouldn’t surprise us, for we know Christ died for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). Making disciples of all nations is Jesus’ call to us. Women, men, children, infants, those near, those far, those who look different than you, that is who He wraps up in that little word, all.