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The 61st Convention of the Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The 61st Convention of the Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Join your sister congregations as we celebrate our life together and receive encouragement in our calling as Lutheran Christians. Special joint hour long services will be held on May 18, 2025 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 310 E. Main St., East Dundee, IL 60118 at 2:00 p.m. and at Bethany Lutheran Church 1550 Modaff Rd., Naperville, IL 60565 at 5:00 p.m. on that same day.

The services will include the Installation of our LCMS Northern Illinois District, President Rev. Dr Allan R. Buss, our District Vice Presidents, and other officers, and will include music, a special sermon by Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast, President Emeritus of Concordia Seminary, Ft Wayne and the presence of LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison. This uplifting service will be followed by light refreshments and the opportunity to connect with other church members and leaders.

We want to encourage ordained workers, commissioned workers, and lay leaders to join us for these services as we rejoice that we are “Stronger Together: Co-Workers for the Kingdom of God.”



The business of 61st Convention of the Northern Illinois District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has already been completed, but if you’d like to find information about the proceedings, please visit our convention webpage.

