Home » Church Workers

Stay informed

If you are a church worker (rostered or lay) within the LCMS Northern Illinois District, we want you to stay informed.

Visit NIDnews.org for stories, an events calendar and feature news.

Submit your contact information (online) for the district office if you are new in your ministry location or when you change work or personal email or address. (NOTE: This is in addition to what is provided for LCMS Rosters and website.) Church workers automatically receive Our Northern Illinois District magazine in the mail if they provide a home address and the Parish Resource Connection by email if they provide an email address.

Church Worker Care Team

The Church Worker Care Team is a group of fellow church professionals that the LCMS Northern Illinois District has asked to be available to come alongside fellow District church workers during a challenging time in their lives to provide them with a listening ear and spiritual support.

The Church Worker Care Team was formed to give our church workers currently serving congregations, schools, and ministries, someone to whom they can speak who is a fellow church professional who can be that safe and spiritually caring colleague to provide support during a challenging time.

Strength and Confidence for Demanding Days

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission has fully funded these respite retreats to support, encourage, and strengthen all teachers, commissioned ministers and pastors. To learn more about these retreats and to register visit doxology.us/take-heart.


Set Apart to Serve

Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is an initiative of the LCMS to recruit church workers. Since church work is rooted in Baptism and a lifetime of hearing the Word, SAS encourages young people to consider church work vocations primarily through their continued and faithful involvement with their congregation. Learn more about the LCMS church work recruitment initiative at lcms.org/set-apart-to-serve.


Who to contact in the district office:

  • President Allan R. Buss is your contact for ordained minister issues and critical incidents.
  • Lois Stewart is your contact for commissioned minister issues and incidents. She can help you work through unifying church and school mission for outreach. Also, contact Lois Stewart for guidance and the call process for commissioned workers.
  • The President’s Office provides assistance to congregations calling ordained workers and ordained workers seeking calls as well as the contact for information on services and grants related to missions – The Gospel in Action

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) provides services available to anyone connected with our LCMS churches and schools. Go to the national LCEF website to learn about investment and loan opportunities, StewardAccount financial services, ministry support and more. Or speak to our local LCEF VP Joe Willmann to learn more.

Helpful information

Go to these pages:

Church Worker Care Team

Conferences: Educators

Conferences: Pastors Regional Conferences

Locations of Churches and Schools

Church Worker News – Installations, obituaries, roster reports, etc.

NID Networking Groups

Vacancies – Looking for Educators and Parish Professionals

For District –  update information online

For Synod – Rostered commissioned workers must fill in CMIF online. Contact Rosters & Statistics at 888-843-5267 or rosters.stats@lcms.org for personal log-in access.