The Supremacy of Jesus
Focus Verse:
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” (Colossians 1:15)
While we do not know every detail, we do know that the Church of Colossae faced he-retical teachers who threatened to draw these Christians away from the one true faith in Jesus. With a mixture of Jewish beliefs, a fascination with spiritual beings, seem-ingly pious rituals, and secretive knowledge that must be known for salvation, these teachers (who likely sincerely believed their own teachings) offered a tempting path, but one that would ultimately lead to condemnation. Our Lord, not wanting to lose any of His children, inspires Paul and Timothy to remind the Church at Colossae of the supremacy of Jesus in whom the fullness of God dwells in the flesh. He is Creator of all things and as the world’s only Redeemer. Paul also reveals the great mystery that this Creator Savior also by grace chooses to dwell in His followers for their personal salvation. With such gifts in Christ, there is nothing or no one that should take His place in their lives, nor in ours.