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Lay Leadership Summit 2024

We are stronger together when we are working together.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a, 12 (ESV)

What is the Lay Leadership Summit?

From rural to urban ministries, small to large congregations, and whether you are new to church leadership or a seasoned veteran, we are grateful for each of our lay leaders.

We know you need support and encouragement as you serve where the Lord has placed you. This is why the LCMS Northern Illinois District is hosting an inaugural Lay Leadership Summit on August 24, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Walther Christian Academy, 900 Chicago Ave., Melrose Park, IL  60160.

With the theme “Together Towards Tomorrow,” the Lay Leadership Summit seeks to gather lay leaders from all parts of the District to worship our Lord, build one another up in our given roles, and provide best practices in order to better equip you to effectively fulfill your service to our Lord and His people.

Make plans to join NID President Allan Buss, keynote Lutheran Hour Speaker – Rev. Dr. Michael Ziegler, and fellow laity from around the Northern Illinois District for the Lay Leadership Summit.

Register NOW! 

Lunch is provided.

Select Recognized Service Organizations will also be in attendance, providing an opportunity for you to learn about these ministries within the LCMS Northern Illinois District. Come early, stay late, or visit during breaktimes!

Register here

Select sectionals which interest you most.

Early Bird rate extended through July 19, 2024! Early Bird Registration $20.00

After July 19, 2024 – Registration $30.00

Group registration for 5 or more people $20.00/person

Deadline for registration: August 9, 2024

Download agenda


Sectional I Workshops 10:25 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

How to Care for Your Church Worker(s)

When a church worker is well in body, mind, and spirit, they are better equipped to serve our Lord and His people. However, the challenges a church worker faces, both professionally and personally, can powerfully detract from their sense of well-being. Join our speakers as they discuss what is important, and what actually works, in caring for your church worker(s).

Dealing with Conflict in the Congregation

Conflict is often unpleasant. It is going to happen in this fallen world, even among the saints of God. Yet, how we choose do deal with conflict can lead to healing and stronger bonds. Participants will be led through effective ways of handling conflict in congregational ministry which keep the focus on Christ and the healing power of His forgiveness.

How to Recruit New Volunteers and Keep Them

Many congregations suffer a shortage of volunteers—from assistance in setting up for events to key leadership roles for the church. In this workshop, speakers will share practical ways of identifying, inviting, equipping, and maintaining new volunteers for service among God’s people.

What Makes a School Board Function Well

School ministries are not all uniform in their approach to educational ministry, nor are their leadership boards. Yet, there are some common characteristics which mark a healthy school leadership board. Join our speakers as they share the healthy components of successful school boards.

Partnership Models: How We do Ministry Together

As we face the challenges of congregational ministry, we are not alone. Neighboring congregations face similar challenges. Our Lord, who is always with us, has put us together to help each other. This session will set the scene for why we need each other at this point in history and present practical models for ministry which help congregations work together in Christ’s kingdom.

Changing your Constitution to Fit Ministry Needs

Church constitutions are guiding documents written to serve the needs of the congregation in good order. Yet, as congregations undergo changes in size and age, their constitutions can be seen as cumbersome. In this workshop, speakers will share ways to introduce revisions to your constitution which will maintain good order while also serving the needs of the current congregation.

Sectional II Workshops 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.

How to Care for Your Church Worker(s)

When a church worker is well in body, mind, and spirit, they are better equipped to serve our Lord and His people. However, the challenges a church worker faces, both professionally and personally, can powerfully detract from their sense of well-being. Join our speakers as they discuss what is important, and what actually works, in caring for your church worker(s).

Dealing with Conflict in the Congregation

Conflict is often unpleasant. It is going to happen in this fallen world, even among the saints of God. Yet, how we choose do deal with conflict can lead to healing and stronger bonds. Participants will be led through effective ways of handling conflict in congregational ministry which keep the focus on Christ and the healing power of His forgiveness.

Best Practices Panel Discussion

Come find out what’s going well in neighboring churches and hear ideas about how to implement good ministerial practices into your own congregation. Join our panel for this “best practices” discussion.

Strategic Planning for Ministry

Why does the Lord have the members of your congregation gathered around Word and Sacrament at that location at this time? What would the Lord have you do as a congregation in service to His Gospel? Participants will be led through the need for, and basic steps toward, strategic planning for ministry.

Being a Member of a Church vs. Being a Disciple of Jesus

Is there a difference between being a member of a congregation and being a disciple of Jesus? How do we move from seeing the local congregation as only being there to meet my needs to seeing the church as the place which equips me to be Christlike in my life with others? Join our speakers as they discuss what it means to be simply a member versus a disciple of Jesus.

Sunday School and Family Ministry

Join our speakers as they discuss innovative ideas and practical ways to address how we bring our children up in the knowledge of our Lord and equip families for that same joyful task.


Sectional III Workshops 2:05 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.

Partnership Models: How We do Ministry Together

As we face the challenges of congregational ministry, we are not alone. Neighboring congregations face similar challenges. Our Lord, who is always with us, has put us together to help each other. This session will set the scene for why we need each other at this point in history and present practical models for ministry which help congregations work together in Christ’s kingdom.

What Makes a School Board Function Well

School ministries are not all uniform in their approach to educational ministry, nor are their leadership boards. Yet, there are some common characteristics which mark a healthy school leadership board. Join our speakers as they share the healthy components of successful school boards.

Stewardship – What Works and How to Handle the Gifts Given

Stewardship is often a misunderstood topic in ministry. It’s not just about raising funds for the congregation. Stewardship is far more, and there are effective ways to grow your congregation in its response to Christ’s love. Join our speakers as they discuss what works well in stewardship and how to handle the gifts our Lord gives through His people in a Christ-honoring way.

One Ministry for All Ages

The Gospel reaches the hearts of young and old alike by the power of the Spirit, but how do you create congregational ministry that spans the generations? Join our speakers as they share effective ways to create ministry which connects all ages.

Technology in the Church

From screen use in the sanctuary, to online ministry, to proper use of AI, the world of technology can be a daunting place for the congregation. Come learn about a few of the latest uses of technology for congregational ministry and practical ways in which technology can bless the Lord’s work at your church.

Getting “Unstuck” in “Stuck” Ministry

There may be times when even the healthiest of ministries seems to be in a rut of “doing the same thing.” This can lead to a feeling of stagnation. Come hear from ministry leaders who have been in those “stuck” places and learn real ways “stuck” ministry can become “unstuck” and vibrant.


Download Sectionals List (PDF format)


Questions? Email office@nidlcms.org.



WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.