Prayer and Speech
Focus Verse:
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 4:2)
In this final chapter of Paul’s letter, we see the mission priority of proclaiming Jesus Christ to the unbelieving world. Paul, along with all his fellow workers in the Gospel on whose behalf he brings greetings, earnestly desires both the opportunity and the right words to proclaim the saving work of Jesus to those who do not know Him as Savior. He therefore requests that fellow Christians exercise the important gift of prayer to God on his behalf. Paul’s mission work is also the work of the entire Church, so Paul would have every aspect of the lives of Christ’s followers committed to the joyful ser-vice of sharing the Gospel. This joyful service to God is not done in a vacuum. It’s done by real people whose lives were truly transformed by Christ in their baptism into Him and who were sent to places like Colossae to share the truth that Jesus is creator and redeemer that others would know His salvation. The service of Christ’s Church then is the service of Christ’s Church today, and like the Colossians, we are blessed by our Lord to have His Word through Paul’s letter. To God be the glory!