Your gift will help support the advancement of His Kingdom in the Northern Illinois District.
Some things are better done together.
We flourish in our life together by advancing His Kingdom, faithfully serving the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it in our community and the world. Your generous gifts ensure that even more men, women, and children throughout northern Illinois hear the Good News of God’s gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Your gift is important because it supports the advancement of His Kingdom through vibrant and healthy congregations, ministries, workers, and lay-leaders.
Please prayerfully consider a donation that will be used for revitalization in our congregations and schools, new visioning and planning for them, and small grants to help meet real needs in their communities. Become a sustaining donor. Your monthly or quarterly gifts ensure that we can provide a wide range of support. Thank you for your generous heart and prayers for the Lord’s mission.
You can find stories on our website NIDnews.org.
If you’d prefer not to donate online, mail to: 1107 Monroe Ave., River Forest, IL 60305-1427. Or call us at 708-223-3108 and ask to make a donation by phone.
Summary of Financial Activities – Fiscal Year End January 2023 (PDF)